Day 68 Roller Skating with Friends
The pic of the day is my friends little boy. We went took the kids roller skating and had a blast. It is nice being the one behind the camera. That way no one sees me fall!
Day 65 My Little Dolls
The kids and I went to Indy to visit my niece at Riley Hospital. We stopped by the Children’s Museum. They had a Barbie exhibit that the girls loved.
Day 64 Red White and Blue
This photo was actually taken April 1st. I came acrossed it and thought I should have posted this one! Then I filled one of my many empty days within this project!
Day 62 Easter Eggs
We had a very busy day. We had our first house showing in the morning. We took the kids to an Easter Egg hunt at John’s grandmother’s nursing home. We got things prepared for Easter morning. Just before the kids went to bed we finally got the Easter Eggs colored!
Day 61
Nothing too exciting here. Just the reason I am behind getting these pics posted! The house is officially for sale! The garage is a work in progress! We need to get a storage unit!
Day 60 Tincaps
Had a meeting at the Parkview Field Conference Center. It is a very nice place. Not to mention what a GORGEOUS Day. The first 80 degree day to follow the first 70 degree day. No complaints here!!
Day 59 Busy Day!
Spent the morning at Lauren’s preschool taking photos of the kids for a year end project. I took a lot of pictures today… but none specifically for the photo of the day. This photo is Emily sitting in to help me get my lights set up at the school. You can tell she has never seen a camera before! Came home after lunch and spend the day cleaning house. What a better way to spend the first 70 degree day of the year! Boo!! This evening we signed the papers with our realtor to put our house on the market! YAY! Looking for a more suitable studio space! Praying for His will and wisdom.
Day 58 Foggy Morning
This morning was crazy with the spotty fog. Leaving home to take the kids to school it was bright and sunny. The closer we got to school the thicker the fog got.
To show you the difference in the spotty fog patches, the following picture was taken 10 minutes after the above.