Look closely at the following pic. You will see the mother robin with one of her babies with it’s mouth open ready to eat. I believe there are three little babies in the nest. There were four eggs when I took the photo of the nest about 10 days ago. Not sure what happened to the other. Hopefully it is still down in the nest hiding…
Day 152 Discovery
This photo was taken on Day 153. It has been a busy month of weddings and photo editing. This project has fallen quite behind!! This is my daughter, Lauren peaking into a birds nest. She said, “Awwwww!……….., actually they are kinda ugly!”
Day 143 Robin’s Nest
We have a couple of Robin’s that decided to make a new home in our Japanese Maple Tree in our landscaping. I scared off the poor parent’s to take this shot.
Day 124 Last Day of School
The photo of the day is my oldest son! We are so proud of him. He made the honor roll with all A’s and one B in Math. He is such an awesome kid. The photo I took is not spectacular, but Nick belongs in the spot light…even tho he avoids “flashing weapons” a.k.a my camera. I love this kid!!
Day 123 Peeking Around the Door
She is up AGAIN… poor little girl. She has had a fever the last couple of days. She slept a lot during the day and now can’t seem to stay down for the night. Here she comes around the corner again!!
Day 122 Strike!
I did not take any photos on day 122. This photo was taken on Day 123. It is my son’s best friend during the year end 4th grade trip. I love the expression right after he knocked all the pins down!
Day 121
Day 120 Memorial Day
Day 119 Jada’s Birthday
My husband’s second/third cousin’s..(ok let’s just say family)…birthday party. Jada was being a little shy and had help from her little brother to blow out her candles. Then wanted them re-lit to do them herself! Happy Birthday, Jada!
Day 115 All In
Today’s photo is inspired by my brother Andy. He is “all in” as he gets ready for his wedding June 26th.