I am a little late getting this posted. It is after mid-night, but I haven’t been to bed yet. It is still the 17th in my book!
Day 17
Fort Wayne Youtheatre presents: Anne of Green Gables
My nephew, Brock, played Gilbert Blythe in “Anne of Green Gables” with the Fort Wayne Youtheatre on Feb 13th and 14th. We are so proud of him!
Day 15
The kids and I went sledding again today. The snow on the hills is dwindling! With all the snow we had it was a shocking sight. The kids still had a good time. When we left the park we headed over to Cookie Cottage. The kids were off school for Presidents Day and we had a nice time together. When we got back home Emily asked me to start the fire so she could warm her feet. Then she thanked me for getting her milk at the “Cookie Mall”. I wish they could stay little forever!
I am captivated by this yellow rose! I think I got it out of my system… no more rose pics! I really liked this shot of the rose with the fire in the back ground. Grouped with the shot from yesterday… “Fire and Ice”.
Day 14 Happy Valentines Day
Day 12 “Loving Hands”
I don’t have a new photo for today, but rather one from Christmas that I brought into Photoshop. I added an oil paint effect. I am loving this image today!
Day 10
Snow Day! Schools out… Looking out the window at my neighbor’s backyard… not hard to find the photo of the day!
Day 9
The photo for today is of my son, Nick. When it comes to getting a picture of this kid it is a challenge. He did not want to co-operate, so I got what I got. Thus, the lovely look on his face! We went sledding today to enjoy Winter Blast 2010!