Author Archives: Carrie Robinson
Day 57 RIP Grandpa 1917-2010
My grandfather’s funeral was today. The service was very nice. Grandpa we love you! Thanks for your legacy of faith!
Day 56
OK…so I cheated a little for this project. This photo was taken at the same time as the one from yesterday. It was rainy and dreary today and I never even got my camera out… I’ll be back on it … Continue reading
Day 55
While visiting John’s grandmother in the nursing home the kids always like to stop at the large bird cage. This is where the shot of the day comes from.
Day 54 Weeping Willows
Once again this was shot yesterday, but I didn’t have time to get it posted until today.
Day 53 Gone Fishing
My Grandfather passed away this afternoon. Happy he is no longer suffering. He will be missed greatly by the family. Love u grandpa!
Day 49
This shot was also taken yesterday… but processed today. I had a hard time deciding color or black and white, so here they are!