Author Archives: Carrie Robinson
Day 114
This is a photo of my nephew enjoying the splash pad at Shoaff Park. We had a busy day of play today. We played at the park, the spash pad, had a picnic and visited the zoo. He is such … Continue reading
Day 110 View From My Desk
I was sitting at the computer editing pictures. I looked up and out the window to the backyard at my girls playing. Lauren was on the swing and Emily picking “flowers” (dandelions and clovers) to bring in to me. I … Continue reading
Day 109 Determination
Lauren is determined to ride her bike with 2 wheels. She spends a lot of time practicing. She will have it soon. She is bursting with confidence.
Day 106 Rainy Day
It was a drab rainy day. Stuck inside today… Send us some sunshine soon!!
Day 105 Fishy
I did not have a chance to take a photo on day 105. This shot was actually taken day 106. This fishy survived Caden’s photo shoot and is waiting to make his next modeling move…
Day 104
This is one of our neighbor girls who came over for a visit. Still needed my photo of the day and what could be more adorable!
Day 103
My little Em loves to “read” the newspaper and our magazines. I thought she was so cute laying there reading my magazine. The eyes were a special bonus for the camera! lol
Day 102 Watching and Waiting
Not sure why he actually cooperated for a pic today…But Nick graces us with his presence for the photo of the day!