Author Archives: Carrie Robinson
Day 222 First Signs Of Fall
God has placed beauty all around us. We just have to open our eyes to see it. In this world that can seem so dark and gloomy he places signs of beauty and hope all around us. I love nature … Continue reading
Day 178 Camera…Back to the Basics
I knew I was behind on my blog. I have many, many holes to fill in my “project 365″! What did slip past me was I was loosing sight of what I wanted to create from the beginning. Trying to … Continue reading
Day 173 Adventures of Caden and my New Prop
I was watching my nephew and still had my backdrop set up from a shoot the day before. I decided to try out a new prop. Caden just wasn’t having it! This is what I got! I still think it … Continue reading
Day 172 Dear Summer… SLOW DOWN….
Summer is going much too fast. This pic is of my girls playing in the sprinkler today. It was a scorcher! Dear summer, Slow down and watch my girls play a while longer!!! Sincerely, Me
Day 169 Avatar The Last Airbender?? hmmmmm…..
Guess next time one of my kids asks me if it is ok they put on a tattoo I should ask, “where?” hahahaha On the plus side, he allowed me to take this photo!
Day 162 Leaving the Nest
They don’t stay small long! This is one of the babies on the landscape rocks right under the nest. It has only been a couple of weeks and he’s already leaving.
Day 158 3 Little Birdies
Yep, there are three little birdies in there waiting for mamma to come back to feed them.
Day 157 Father and Son
Nick and John went to get haircuts. They came home with the same hairdo!