Author Archives: Carrie Robinson
Spring Has Arrived!
What a beautiful week it has been. Loving these 70 degree days! We had a picnic today at the park for dinner. I love when we can have the entire family together and actually getting along!
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Friday, March 16th is “Dress as Your Favorite Nursery Rhyme Character” at school. Emily is ready to go!
Just Thankful
I was out enjoying the sunshine with my girls today. We went and checked out a local bridge and took a few pictures. Then we came across this and the reality of life set in. I am so thankful for … Continue reading
New System
My husband is putting my new computer system together! YAY! So excited! 16GB RAM…Bring it on!
Rock A Bye Ella
My youngest daughter had a blast playing with our puppy today. She put her in her baby doll cradle and sang Rock A Bye baby to her only making up most of the words along the way. It was so … Continue reading
Family–Nothing Like It!
Every member of our immediate families is represented here. These were done panoramic style and printed as canvas gallery wraps for our parents for Christmas.
Day 269 Welcome Yum-Mee’s Bakery!
Tonight was the grand opening celebration at Yum-Mee’s Bakery. If you are in need of baked goods this is the place to be!
Day 252 Like mother like daughter!
My baby girl couldn’t have made me more proud today! She took a photo of each one of her stuffed animals! She is so precious!! **Trying out a new watermark/logo.**
Day 234 Waiting
Two of my kids waiting for grandparents to arrive for a birthday dinner.
Day 226 Weeping Willow
I love weeping willow trees and pass this scene several times a day. I finally took the time to photograph it! I love this photo! I also have it in black and white which really changes the mood of the … Continue reading